Hans Smellinckx, multi-channel marketing expert

16 posts categorized "Mobile Marketing"

February 01, 2013

Mobile is not a trend, it’s a reality and a sales driver

ThePowerofMobileIn a recent article from Verónica Maria Jarski on MarketingProfs, she summarized a study from Yesmail regarding Mobile shoppers and their habits. It’s an American study, but seen the evolution of mobile and the speed of adoption of smartphones, this is what’s coming to our daily landscape… and probably quicker than you’ll think.

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August 04, 2011

The mobile shopper by Ogilvy (#mobile #retail)


January 02, 2011

2011 trends for digital marketing, social media, mobile marketing and the internet

Small companies & social media

Small companies will start finding the way to social media. Social networks allow small companies to connect on a very cost effective way to their target audience. As their organisations are most of the time build upon trust, the match with websites like Facebook or Linkedin is far more tighter than large companies.

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September 26, 2010

Mobile use: who is using apps and which type of apps? (#mobile #appsma )

Nielsen 59% of all smartphone users are downloading applications. On top, the mobile phone has become a commodity, everybody owns one and a large part of you, even more than 1. Time to give an overview of who is using applications, do you need to focus on iPhone & iPad only? The answer is clearly no, the market outside Apple is alive and kicking (and if you serve ads, you'd better NOT focus on iPhone users), time to give you some numbers...

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August 28, 2010

Location Based services: a walhalla or is it Gowalla?

Locationbased After the launch of Facebook Places, more and more people are getting convinced that location based services are the next best thing and could turn your mobile phone/device in a useful tool, not just for communication. Find out more about what location based services can offer to consumers...

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August 16, 2010

Programming for the mobile web (mobile app vs mobile website)

Bbc_mobile On a recent blog post I explained the importance between mobile apps and mobile websites. This presentation takes it a step further and explains on a technical level what the best way forward is. Enjoy!

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July 12, 2010

Mobile strategy: best practices : Go beyond the app!

Mobile_theme Do you think your mobile strategy must include iPhone apps? Well, think again! You can have a perfect mobile strategy without even having 1 iPhone app and generating ten times more revenue than your competitor. Interested? read on...

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June 20, 2010

Mobile strategy: Do's and don'ts

Mobilestrategy Mobile internet adoption outpaced desktop internet adoption... already! The mobile revolution started in fact years ago and still we are waiting for the revolution...

did you know that Google programmers are first programming their apps on mobile phones...

Great presentation about some best practises when implementing a mobile strategy. It was given at the Online Marketing Summit at Portland. Some interesting key - take aways:

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June 04, 2010

New York Times Launches City Guide for iPhone

The-scoopiPhone applications pop-up by the dozens, this one is quite cool: "The scoop". The virtual guide to New York. launched by The New York Times.

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February 05, 2010

Are you ready to build a mobile web presence?

Mobile_marketing_eroi Get a look inside the mobile website projects of 3 unique brands, and see how digital strategy and technology come together to achieve results.

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