Hans Smellinckx, multi-channel marketing expert

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2 posts from February 2013

February 01, 2013

Mobile is not a trend, it’s a reality and a sales driver

ThePowerofMobileIn a recent article from Verónica Maria Jarski on MarketingProfs, she summarized a study from Yesmail regarding Mobile shoppers and their habits. It’s an American study, but seen the evolution of mobile and the speed of adoption of smartphones, this is what’s coming to our daily landscape… and probably quicker than you’ll think.

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Your e-mail resolution for 2013

4957559159_0a5b915da1A new year, a new fresh start after a festive holiday period and time to have some good resolutions for the year. Why not having the following list  as your resolution list:

  • Being more open about what data I collect from consumers
  • Connecting all my data sources, so that consumers only have to register or fill in the blanks once
  • Delivering a state of the art digital experience based on what my client, the consumer wants
  • Using the analytical data that you collected after your e-mail campaigns

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