Free e-report: NetProspex Social business report (#socialmedia #free #report)
A Twitter user name is becoming just as important as a phone number to reach and engage with customers and prospects. NetProspex released in September 2010 their Social Business report. Including: social industry index (which industry is scoring high on the social ranking), social index of jobs titles (which type of job is most social), company index and also for the US, which cities are the most social. Download the report by reading on...
Key take -aways:
- search engines are the most social industries, but big surprise, banking is outperforming the traditional media.
- heavy and traditional industries are struggling to make the list
- Toys and Games are leaders for FMCG
- Travel industry is twice as social as the restaurant industry
- Funeral services... don't twitter!
- Medical care... didn't even make the top 50
- several industries that have huge potential are still not awake, like medical, travel, software companies, traditional heavy industries, retail stores etc.
- If you have a job in marketing or HR, than you probably use twitter and social media. Your CEO is only 11th on the ranking
- If you have a financial oriented job, than you probably don't have a clue what social media is. Time to change!
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