A personal view on the new tools from Microsoft.

Last month, Microsoft invited me at “the intimates”, a select group of people wanting to test out their new products. As a skeptic in the 90’s and early last decade, I was wondering if I could bring some positive news about the table and not just some more bashing. Well, Microsoft changed and how…
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In a recent article from Verónica Maria Jarski on MarketingProfs,
she summarized a study from Yesmail regarding Mobile shoppers and their
habits. It’s an American study, but seen the evolution of mobile and
the speed of adoption of smartphones, this is what’s coming to our daily
landscape… and probably quicker than you’ll think.
Continue reading "Mobile is not a trend, it’s a reality and a sales driver" »
new year, a new fresh start after a festive holiday period and time to
have some good resolutions for the year. Why not having the following
list as your resolution list:
- Being more open about what data I collect from consumers
- Connecting all my data sources, so that consumers only have to register or fill in the blanks once
- Delivering a state of the art digital experience based on what my client, the consumer wants
- Using the analytical data that you collected after your e-mail campaigns
Continue reading "Your e-mail resolution for 2013" »
A new year just started, so time to start to think ahead... what will the future bring? Of course there is a difference between trends that we will see popping up the next 5 years or later and the ones we see next year. In 5 years we will indeed see evolutions like mobile payments, bendable screens and 3D printing becoming an everyday phenomenal, but that’s future thinking, 2013 will bring…
Continue reading "Trends for 2013... less is more" »
Recently a lot of discussions are around the question if social media and especially Facebook can be a source of revenue. Can you earn money with having a twitter account or a facebook page? And if it's possible, how can you as an individual or brand drive money to your bottom line.
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